If you’re like most people looking to get into stock investing, you’re probably wondering:
Do I have the resources and know-how to become
financially free?
Well let me tell you… If I can do it, you can do it…
I did it in several steps, which I share in my free courses in Investors Academy:
I want to be absolutely clear—this is not a “get rich quick” program. It requires a great deal of prudence and discipline.
The first step in creating a successful investing portfolio
was frugality.
I know that’s not the most exciting concept…
But there’s just no way I could have saved the $20,000 of capital I started with had I not been insanely frugal.
The good news is, being frugal to save up your initial capital doesn’t need to be sad or minimalist. If you always hold the vision of the wealth and financial freedom that will come to you from frugality, and learn how to live a rich life while spending less, it can be a time of hope and excitement as you build up your wealth.
In The Game of Investing: Financial Freedom Blueprint, you’re going to learn my secrets of how to enjoy your life and live richly while practicing the frugality that will help you develop your initial capital.
The good news is, being frugal to save up your initial capital doesn’t need
to be sad or minimalist.
The next step in the Blueprint is to learn how to properly invest and compound the capital you’ve saved up from your life-enhancing frugality.
The most powerful concept that helped me achieve financial freedom is the magic of compounding for which investing in the right stocks at the right valuations is the key. I could identify stocks across different markets globally, early in its growth phase and had a long runway ahead to compound and create wealth.
I could identify these stocks using my proprietary Neo-Value Investing framework and I have created a course on this framework for subscribers to the academy.
There were many mistakes and failures also along the way which had lessons learnt and I wanted to share those investing and behavioral mistakes through the courses in the Academy.
I’m going to share everything I wish I knew ten or twenty years ago—so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.
I wasted the first ten years of my savings and investing life (my entire twenties) without investing wisely in equities. This was a huge mistake as I didn’t receive the benefits of the compounding growth of equities.
I want to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes I made early in my investing career…
And more importantly, I want to make sure you do follow what I did in the last decade, from age 30-40, because in just that one decade I built wealth that I never could have dreamed of before.
If you are a dreamer and believe in creating your mark in the world, this course will help achieve that when you are young, and not when you retire at 65.
This course is for you if you’ve been postponing your dream of a larger life. It’s for you if you’ve been procrastinating on what you want to create in this world (since you’ve been so busy earning a living).
Your path to liberation is Financial Freedom as soon as possible.
Learn how now in:
I am an Investor who’s passionate about
Investing in Equity Markets.
I’m committed to spreading financial and investing wisdom so that you can achieve financial freedom early in life and live your dream life doing the work you love without worrying about money and slogging for money
The Investors Academy is a Digital Investing and Finance school where you can register for unlimited industry leading courses like “Financial Freedom Blueprint”, Neo-Value Investing, and Advanced behavioral finance in equity investing.
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